About Ready Buddies


 -Ready Buddies is a site that provides kids and people, a survival necessitates being prepared. In general, a tropical storm will deposit more rain than a typhoon. Preparedness can help to decrease the dread, anxiety, and losses that come with disasters. People can also mitigate the effects of disasters (flood proofing, raising or transferring a property out of harm's way, and securing goods that can shake loose in an earthquake), and sometimes fully avert the hazard. 

-Disaster risk reduction (DRR) protects the livelihoods of communities and individuals who are particularly vulnerable to disasters or emergencies. Whether the crisis is caused by nature or humans (or a combination of both), DRR mitigates the negative consequences for those who are most vulnerable.

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Ready Buddies

3 TOP TO DO’S  -Prepare your First Aid Kits  -Make a Plan -Be Informed WHAT TO DO ON EARTHQUAKES? DROP, COVER and HOLD! STAYING SAFE INDOOR...