About the authors

 - The authors of the Ready Buddies, are Grade 10 students of Academia de Julia Victoria. 

We like to do this to make sure every one of us especially when at times where we all need help and information on what is going on around us. Ready Buddies makers strives hard to make the best effort to spread this site for better awareness  to people because we do really care for everyone's safety. 

The Authors: 

Hi!  I am Samantha de Castro one of the author of the Ready Buddies and a grade 10 student in ADJV. I like to help people out so this is the perfect topic for me. We all have the same reason why we really want to make sure that this blog helps not only kids but also adults. But also we wanted you to enjoy reading it at the same time, we all care for our loved ones but we also do care for everyone's safety. So we do really hope that you will learn or get some ideas to be prepared enough in disasters happening to us everyday and every time. Enjoy reading and Stay safe to us all! 

Hi I am Avengoza, Gian one of the authors of this blog, a grade 10 student from ADJV. The reason why we want to create this blog is to help the children understand about basic DRR ( Disaster Risk Reduction). I have no experience in creating a blog so this is my first time, have fun reading this blog!


Hello, I'm Navarro, Kianne. I'm a student in ADJV. We created this blog to keep you safe from disasters. I like to write but I have no experience in writing a blog so kindly understand that we are not perfect. We hope you have a great time reading our blog!

1 comment:

  1. this is Rhys from Grade 4-Maaruga I'm having problem to upload the file can you fix it


Ready Buddies

3 TOP TO DO’S  -Prepare your First Aid Kits  -Make a Plan -Be Informed WHAT TO DO ON EARTHQUAKES? DROP, COVER and HOLD! STAYING SAFE INDOOR...